Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Knights Theme Class: Artisans

Artisans Class
Background info: Byzantine art overlaps with or merges with what we call Early Christian art until the iconoclasm period of 730-843 when the vast majority of artwork with figures was destroyed; so little remains that today any discovery sheds new understanding. After 843 until 1453 there is a clear Byzantine art tradition. It is often the finest art of the Middle Ages in terms of quality of material and workmanship, with production centered on Constantinople. Byzantine art's crowning achievement were the monumental frescos and mosaics inside domed churches, most of which have not survived due to natural disasters and the appropriation of churches to mosques.

Mosaic Flower Pots: We used terra cotta pots, tile grout, and pebbles, marbles, small plastic objects. The boys only decotated the rim of the pot. Make sure to have them write their name on the bottom.

Mosaic covered paper plates: A large design was drawn on the paper plate. The boys then ripped pieces of colored paper to glue on and fill in the design.

background: Chivalry  is a term related to the medieval institution of knighthood. It is usually associated with ideals of knightly virtues, honour and courtly love. The word comes from the French word chevalier which means knight.

We likened the cub scout promise, slogan, and law of the pack as examples of chivalry.  We did some games to work on memorizing them. 

Throw the ball game: Have the boys stand in a circle. The boy says one word from the thing you are memorizing and tosses the ball to someone else who adds the next word. Continue throwing the ball until the phrase is complete.

Toss and Answer: Make a large square on the ground with spray paint. Divide it into 9 sections. Place an index card in each section with something they are working on (ex. Cub sign, salute, law of pack, motto, promise, core values.  Divide the boys into two teams, giving each a different color bean bag.  Have the boys toss a bean bag at the grid and recite what they land on.  If they get it correct, their marker remains.  1st to get three in a row wins.

I made bingo cards with the core values and the boys used skittles as markers.

This was a great time to do a character connection about one of the core values.

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